Granddad Daniel Grant Varner

Granddad Daniel Grant Varner
Daniel Grant Varner (front, far right) and siblings with spouses

Friday, September 6, 2013

Working with RootsMagic 6 and FamilySearch Family Tree

I have finally finished matching all of my deceased people in RootsMagic with their counterpart in FS Family Tree.  I am very thankful that I did not go the route of uploading a gedcom.  It is unbelievable how many duplicate records have been created for the same person for many of my ancestors.  I'm glad that I did not make the problem even worse.

For those people where no FS Family Tree person was found they could be easily added by a single button click

Now that the matching process has been completed I can proceed with FS Family Tree cleanup and sharing information between RootsMagic and FamilySearch.

I believe the process that I use will be as follows:.

  1. Create list of all deceased people in RM (showing name, Birth/Death dates and FamilySearch ID.   This will be my list to work from.  I may do this using the RM "Group" function.
  2. Find and merge all of the duplicates in FamilySearch for a given person.
  3. Compare my RM6 database record with the resulting record in FS.  This will be done using the RM Family Search Person tool.
  4. Add any facts or sources from RM6 that do not exist in FS.
  5. Make note of any information found on FS Family Tree.  Validate and source this info then add it to my RM database.

This will be a very long, time consuming process but I feel that eventually it will be worth the effort.  I really enjoy the way RM6 integrates with FS Family Tree.  It will make the comparison and update phase so much quicker.

If you are really series about this I would highly recommed the following free webinar from RootsMagic.
Webinar # 52 Using FamilySearch Family Tree with RootsMagic found at  Rootsmagic Webinars

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