Took a break for the holidays but I'm ready to start working on my genealogy again. I had almost decided to go with the Thomas MacEntee's "Genealogy Do Over" program. Basically the plan is to set aside all existing research documentation and the existing family tree file and start completely fresh. Re-enter all the data and sources from scratch in an effort to do a better job of source documentation and assure a more complete and accurate family tree.
I thought long and hard about it and decided that is not something I was willing to commit to. So I've decided to take a modified and much less drastic approach. I will go through my existing RootsMagic file and update all existing source citations to make sure they are using the correct template and are filled out completely. I will also verify that it is a valid and provable source. If questionable I will be sure and code it as such and search for valid confirmation prior to moving on to the next one.
Once all of the sources, along with their citations, have been reviewed I will begin working on the webhints. My plan is to first do Ancestry, then Family Search and finally My Heritage. I would expect this review to last well into 2019.
While doing this project I will still be available to share any information that I have with any other Varner family researchers. As always you can either leave a comment here on the blog or send me an email.