We have taken DNA tests in hopes of finding additional cousins that may help us unravel the mystery of our GGGranfathers birth parents. My sister, Janet and I have both tested with AncestryDNA. We have numerous cousin matches. I have been in contact with some of the second - third cousins and we are trying to find our common ancestors now. So far no luck in breaking through our William Carroll Green brick wall.
Don's AncestryDNA ethnicity results
Janet's AncestryDNA ethnicity results
In addition to Ancestry, I have loaded mine to FTDNA and gedmatch. I also took a Y-DNA37 test at FTDNA for the Varner surname project. My dna matches closely to some of those on the Varner surname project so that part of the family tree I'm fairly confident on. Also lot's of Breshears matches on Ancestry.
I really need to do a lot of studying on this dna matching process. Fairly complicated and very involved. I'm sure I am missing lot's of things that are staring me in the face simply because I don't know how to compare my results with others. Matching distant ancestors on our trees is extremely difficult.